We invite you for an evening to dress up a bit, connect with one another, enjoy a performance from our very own BCS Jazz Band, have a great dinner, and enjoy a lot of chuckles together as we celebrate and further Christian education. 

The event is on Saturday, March 1, 2025 in Wichers Auditorium on the BCS campus.

5:00pm- Social Time & 5:45pm- Dinner

To make your reservation or sponsor/table host at the Gala please click HERE.

Calling all GRANDPARENTS! We are thrilled to host Grandparents Day at BCS on Friday, February 14, 2025. We are looking forward to having Grandparents, or a family friend of the student, come enjoy the day with their grandchildren at BCS for Preschool-5th grade. For more information please click HERE. 

The latest edition of Panther Press is now available. Please follow the link HERE to view January's issue. 


Re-Enrollment for 25/26 School Year
all day
Re-Enrollment for 25/26 School Year
all day
K-5th Grade Late Start at 9:00am
Middle & High School Late Start at 9:05am
Re-Enrollment for 25/26 School Year
all day

Colleges and Universities attended by our graduates