Parents play a crucial role in the leadership of the school.  We are encouraged by the desire from so many of you to be more involved and connected and are excited to work together to strengthen the partnership between the school, parents, and churches.  

The purpose of Bradenton Christian School Society Inc, is to establish and maintain a school for daily instruction of our children, such instruction to be in accordance with the following Basis of this Corporation and directed toward the end that these children may develop their God-given talents and occupy their places worthily in society, church and state.

A.   The Basis of this Corporation is the Holy Bible as interpreted by the following Reformed Standards: The Heidelberg Catechism, The Belgic Confession, The Canons of Dort, The Westminster Confession, and Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms.

B.   The Corporation is governed by the following Guiding Principles:

1.  That all things have been created to the end that the Triune God may be glorified in and through them.

2.  That God by His wise covenant arrangement has appointed the parents to be responsible for the training of the child to the end that God and His glory shall be central and supreme in life’s total experience.

3.  That the training of the child shall be continued under the parents’ responsible supervision in a school that carries out the God-honoring, God centered program begun in the home.

4.  That there is also extended to those who have no direct parental obligation, the privilege to assist in providing this training.