The BCS Drama Department Presents
This dazzling show transports its audience from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s, as a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing con man and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together, they embark on an epic adventure to help her find home, love and family.
Dinner Theater: This year a delicious dinner of baked penne with a red meat marinara sauce, Caesar salad, garlic bread, assorted cookies, and a white cake filled with a cheesecake mousse filling will be served to our dinner theatre guests.
Thursday, March 14 & Friday, March 15 @ 6PM
- Individual Tickets: $27.50
- Table Sponsors: $270 (Table of 8)
Standard Theater:
Saturday, March 16 – Standard Seating (Senior Night) @ 6pm
- Tickets: Adults - $17.50/Children 10 & under - $12.50
- Row Sponsors: $270 (Row of 12)
TICKETING: Tickets available for purchase online (cash and check no longer available for advance ticket sales, limited tickets may be sold at the door for the Saturday show).