TRIP - Tuition Reduction Incentive Program


The purpose of this program is to provide families of BCS an opportunity to reduce their tuition. Through TRIP, gift cards can be purchased from participating vendors with a rebate. These cards are sold at face value to families who participate in the program and a rebate is given in the form of tuition credit.

General information: Family and friends can help with your TRIP by signing up for an account and participating too. Parents looking to the future and planning for Christian education of their young children at BCS can also participate. These families will be assigned an account number, the monies earned will be held by BCS, and will be given as a rebate for tuition payment once the child is enrolled as a student. This is a non – interest bearing account.

  • The gift cards are the same as cash. Neither BCS nor TRIP will accept responsibility for lost or misplaced cards.
  • In no way does BCS or the TRIP program endorse the vendors listed on the order form. You must make your own decisions concerning your purchases.
  • Each store has their own policy on change back from cards. Find out stores policies before paying for your purchase.
  • TRIP is being offered to promote the education of BCS; therefore, the money collected on your account will only be paid to BCS for tuition reduction. If your student(s) no longer attends BCS, the monies held under your family account number will be put into the general tuition fund upon your departure.


How to Sign Up:

  1. Registration: Anyone establishing a TRIP account MUST submit a registration form and be familiar with the policies. You will receive an email with your username and password.
  2. Payment: All orders must be paid using PretoPay. Payment is due at time of order.
  3. Rebates: The percentage earned on each participating family’s account will be held by TRIP and credited to your tuition account monthly. If your tuition is paid in full for that year, it will be credited to the next year’s balance. Any discrepancies must be brought to the school’s attention within 2 weeks of the statement date. BCS will give you a rebate of 80% of the total profit and will retain 20% for the general tuition fund and administrative TRIP cost.


Shop! - Visit to shop for gift cards, place your orders, and view your account. Orders may be placed on-line 24/7, however, orders will be processed every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. with delivery on Thursday. You will receive an email when orders have been filled and are ready for pick-up in the Business Office.


If you have further questions, please contact Amber Coombs at Bradenton Christian School, 3304 43rd Street West, Bradenton, FL 34209. 941-792-5454 ext. 216,